I have recently had the opportunity of compiling lists of (1) the Occasional Papers of the Society, (2) the Pamphlets published by the Society and (3) the Lectures given to the Society (or in the case of the Covid period, prepared but not read).

Only those in bold type are still in print and available, although in the case of some there are very few left.

Occasional Papers are now all £12 each inclusive of post, £20 for two. To be sent abroad they are £22 each because of the high cost of postage.

Pamphlets and lectures are all £5 each inclusive of post, £8 abroad.

They can be ordered from me, Michael Yelton, at 211 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8RN, or via email to michaelyelton@achs.org.uk

If you are ordering pamphlets or lectures, it is worth checking in advance to see if the stock is still available.

Money can be remitted by cheque payable to the Society or by online banking direct to the Society’s account (sort code 09-01-55, account number 06043088).

This month's featured publication...

The Society’s most recent publication is Anglo-Catholicism in Australia and New Zealand—A Short History by David Hilliard.

There is no other book which adequately covers and contrasts the development of Anglo-Catholicism in the two countries. the Movement took roots in certain parts of Australia, especially country areas and in particular in Queensland, although repressed in the Archdiocese of Sydney. But in New Zealand its effect was less profound, although there were outposts, such as St Michael and All Angels, Christchurch, on South Island. The book deals with the pioneers, who largely came from England, and with the growth of religious orders in the Antipodes; then with more recent developments. This comprehensive account will be of particular appeal to all who are interested in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Anglo-Catholicism and its spread across the Empire, and the penetrating insights it displays will illuminate knowledge on the subject.

Copies available from the Secretary, Michael Yelton
211 Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8RN
Price £12 including postage