Revd Dr Perry Butler retired as Rector of St George’s Bloomsbury in 2009, having served in parish ministry in the London diocese since 1980. For many years he taught church history for the Southwark Ordination Course and the Department of Continuing Education, Birkbeck College. He is the author of Gladstone; Church, State and Tractarianism (OUP 1980), some articles and reviews.
Secretary and Treasurer
Michael Yelton was a Circuit Judge in East Anglia and lives in Cambridge. Prior to taking up that appointment he was in practice at the Bar for 25 years and also taught law for some time at Corpus Christi College. He has written extensively on modern Anglo-Catholic history and architecture and on other subjects and organises the Society’s publication programme and its trips and walks to places of interest. His publications include
Anglican Papalism 1900-1960, Alfred Hope Patten and the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, and
Outposts of the Faith. He is now a Roman Catholic.
G. Brent Skelly, the Society’s
first Secretary, trained as a psychologist and spent his career in the Civil Service. Retiring early, he became an antiquarian book dealer. In early 2000 he and the late Michael Farrer discussed the idea of setting up a Society for the study of Anglo-Catholic History. Both life long Anglo-Catholics, they were aware that the fruits of much current academic research on the subject was not readily available to the general public. They envisaged a voluntary Society that would be a vehicle for public lectures and eventually able to finance otherwise unpublished studies in this specialised field. The proposal won the ready support of two leading Church historians, Bishop Rowell and Dr Perry Butler, and the Society got off to a flying start, holding its inaugural lecture in June 2000. Lectures have continued three times a year ever since and as financial support became assured, the Society began publishing under its own imprint as well as part-financing comparable works published elsewhere.
John Hawes was Dean’s Verger at Derby Cathedral and has now retired. After spending a career as a librarian, he became a verger at Westminster Abbey before moving to Derby. His main historical interest lies in the development of the English Use in Twentieth Century Anglicanism.
Stephen Savage is a retired school-teacher who has researched local church history in Leeds and written a number of monographs on the subject, many published by the Society.
Email stephensavage@achs.org.uk
Dr Colin Podmore read history at Keble College, Oxford. His DPhil thesis was published as
The Moravian Church in England, 1728-1760 (1998). A former Secretary of the Liturgical Commission and the Dioceses Commission and Clerk to the General Synod, he was Director of Forward in Faith from 2013 until his retirement in 2020. He is President of the Society for the Maintenance of the Faith, was appointed MBE for services to the Church of England, and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. His publications include
Aspects of Anglican Identity (2005) and articles on
Moravian, Anglican and Episcopal history and ecclesiology.
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